Thursday, August 28, 2008

Boy he's getting big!

Oliver's new changing station. He loves the lamb and coos at it when I first lay him down.
This is what Oliver did a lot last night. I'm tired.
His favorite place to sleep is in the high chair. Last night even that didn't work! He stopped crying but he just alertly watched me make Paul's lunch and didn't get any closer to sleep.


Missy said...

I very often would like another baby in the house and than I am reminded of how much I didn't sleep during that time in my life and am thanful. Just 3 weeks ago we had a 1 1/2 year old boy all week with us as Jeff's cousin and her husband took a vacation with their 5 year old. It was fun but I am glad not to be awaken at 6:30 a.m every morning sharing my time with a little guy. :)

CityGirl said...

Have you heard the song..'You're gonna miss this'? I think of that (sometimes) when they are crying etc. They grow so fast! He is adorable!