The floor is swept...but not mopped so it's still sticky.
The living room is picked up...but has needed to be vacuumed for at least 3 weeks
My scrapbooking, VBS craft planning, thank-you note making is covering the dining room table and every surface around it.
We have lots of food in the house but nothing to use for making a sandwich except PB and J.
The laundry is washed, dried, folded and put away...except for a load of darks that will be two by tomorrow morning.
I give up!!!
I love how his mouth is stuffed with banana and is double-fisting it, waiting to fill the next available nook. A boy after my own heart!
Some days it boils down to-spotless house or happy family:)
That banana eating looks like work! He doesn't look very confident that he can take on the amount he has in his mouth. Don't you wish it was socially acceptable for us to eat that way when you're really hungry?
Grandma Boswell
I give up too! :)
You know what I noticed though? The VBS craft planning.
My house is a mess but preschool VBS is essentially planned.
People who realize that kingdom work is more important than an immaculate house are the best kind of people to know!
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