Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy 2 Month Birthday Oliver!

I learned from the moms in the Mom's Club that you are supposed to say how many weeks a baby is until 3 months, but I have decided to switch to months today - Sept. 14! I can't keep the weeks straight. We newly discovered that Oliver loves to see and hear himself. He is watching a video I took of me singing to him.


CityGirl said...

I LOVE singing 'happy birthday' every month their first year!! How fun for you!! I can NOT believe he's 2 months already. And handsome!!!

Missy said...

Does Ollie use is thumb. So cute! I was sharing with Andy and Sarah about two little boys named Asher and Oliver who are 1st graders at the school where I serve lunch. They are best buddies. I often think of your little guy and Asher when I serve them each day!