Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy 4 Months!

Oliver turned 4 months yesterday! We weighed him on the Wii today and he is 18 pounds. Big boy!!


Missy said...

Happy 4 months to Ollie. We loved taking pictures of our kids every time they turned a week older until they were two months old and than it was every month until they were a year. How fun!

Brandon&Heather said...

Oliver is 4 months old already! How cute that the Wii can be used for so many things.

CityGirl said...

Happy Birthday, 4 month old!

Erica Drake said...

4 months already... wow where did the time go with these boys. hope the eating is going well and he is sleeping a bit longer. they say it doesn't work but i completely disagree with that.

18 lb - wow!!!! coop is 20 lbs at 9m oliver is gonna be a linebacker one day!!! :)

hope you are doing well my dear!