Friday, September 5, 2008

Oliver's Bedroom

Oliver's bedroom is almost all put together. We are trying to sell the desk at the end of the bed - it has left quite an impression on my hip!! On Labor Day weekend my fun project was making the curtain for his room - it doesn't quite match, but it looks okay (more about it below).
These are a few of my favorite things: Oliver, animal stacker from Titus' Nana and Papa, and the tractor from Grandma and Grandpa so we can think about going home to the farm!The star of the show.
Our family pictures.
Some more of my favorite things. Oliver's first booties, the cup Paul used as a baby, a cross and frame from our friends the Whites, and Oliver's first teddy from A, S and T!
The curtain that is growing on me. Paul says that towards the end of a project and once I've finished I am always diappointed with the product. Anyone else have the same problem? I am always anxious to be done and so sometimes I cut corners, and then I regret it later. So here are the problems with the curtain for all of my seamstress readers - I used a linen fabric to line it because I had some on hand and didn't want to run to the store. When I washed it, the cotton shrunk up and the linen didn't. Another problem is the matching issue, but that is lessened by the varieties of blues in the room. I also was going to do the tabs with buttons, but those take more time so I just did the rod pocket, and it ended up more full that I had imagined. A blog is a good place to process stuff, so there you have it!


CityGirl said...

Very cute boy room!!! It is so fun and nice to get rooms put together after moving! Makes it seem like home that much more! And, of course Oliver is the cutest 'decoration' in the room :)

Missy said...

Did you have a part in making the sweet quilt hanging in Oliver's room?

Erica Drake said...


i love the new pics. i am SOOOO impressed how dang fast you have gotten everything unpacked and organized. even got new address cards otu too. girl you are amazing!!! not sure how you do it... with a newborn as well. you got props from me girl! proud of you!!!

thinking of you and your family.

good thought w/ the crib too - they need their space. cooper now sleeps on his side. too cute!! we set up a little blog too...

you are a great mom girl!!!!!!

AlyssaJoy said...
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AlyssaJoy said...

Thanks girls! I have been waiting to do Oliver's room for a long time, so it was a treat to pull together. I would have loved to paint the walls, but so it is in an apartment! The quilt hanging in his room was made by my Grandma Fredman. She let me pick out the pattern from a few she found and this one was the clear winner. When I change Oliver's diaper, he looks up at it an coos like crazy.

Unknown said...

I LOVE the room! My favorite part is the pictures above the crib - those are so cute yet so classy! His spread eagle arms when he's sleeping are are so cute too! (I wish I could come up with another word, but that one just seems to work for everything)I like how you displayed his name, too. :)

Brandon&Heather said...

Oliver's room looks so great! Hopefully you sell that hip-bruising desk soon ;D

AlyssaJoy said...

So a funny fact for Amy - I wanted to hang the letters but we foolishly bought the kind without hanging capabilities! They look cute on the sill. Thanks for your sympathy Heather!