Friday, December 5, 2008

Rolling Right

This is Oliver's new favorite activity. He can only go to the right so when he reaches the end of the blankets I flip him over. The most difficult part of this is that if he rolls off the blanket he inevitably spits up on the carpet.

3 comments: said...

Oliver really has the 'rolling over' thing down pat!!! It is fun to see him going so fast.

The Mohagen clan said...

Hey there! Wow - you have a real cutie on your hands! I can kinda guess from the blog that you're really loving being a mom :).
How wonderful that you're doing so well! I"m really happy for you. It is also really nice that you have friends your age that are in the same process of life with you. We have a couple friend with kids (and although we don't have kids) it's so nice to be able to hang out and all of us have fun together. That's great that you have that.

I'm putting this on my favorites so I can check up on you and oliver regularly :)

Brandon&Heather said...

Oliver is getting so big! It must be great to watch him learn and grow so quickly! Love the new videos :)