Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Paul's on the Train

Early this morning Oliver and I took Paul to the train station. He is going to DC for a power supply conference. It's so strange to me that we live close enough to just go to DC for the day! I don't think he's ever been there and neither have I, so he's scoping out the trip to see if we could do it easily as a family sometime. My family did an east coast trip when I was in college but I didn't go with them. I wish I would have!!! At this conference they will be presenting their new power supply technology so they are doing a presentation and have a booth in the exhibition hall. It should be a fun day for Paul, but a long one. I'm lamenting the fact that he isn't going to be home until 9 tonight, and I have to give credit to moms whose husbands travel a lot. I think I found another mom who is going to meet us for dinner tonight which will definitely help me out.

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