Monday, April 27, 2009

Busy Boy

Is there anything cuter than a baby boy in Osh Kosh overalls? I know I always say this, but I really can't get enough - it is my true weakness.
Where is Oliver?
Got you!!! (About the blocks - this is Paul's project. He is making these super-sturdy blocks that an adult can stand on without smooshing them. Each one used to take him upwards of 2 hours, but I think he has streamlined his procedure. Oliver likes to knock them over when they are stacked up neatly.)
The things on our coffee table are no longer safe. Oliver can pull himself up quite easily.

My puppy.


Krista said...

I have a weakness for baby overalls too!! Bought Ike 2 pairs at a garage sale Saturday. Overalls for $3 is something I can't pass up.

Unknown said...

SO SO cute!!! I love all of these pictures! He has so many different smiles and expressions - I so enjoy looking at the variety of his happiness :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I think these may be the cutest pictures yet. You've caught so many great expressions. I need to squeeze him as soon as possible!

Grandma Boswell