Saturday, April 4, 2009

First Discipline

On Tuesday I called Paul from church to tell him I was coming home. He didn’t answer, so I called again. He picked up and said “Sorry, I was in the middle of a disciplining session”. I’ll try to tell the story Paul told me.

He was feeding him supper and all we had left were some of the Gerber carrots and sweet potatoes, which are quite runny compared to the stuff I had in the freezer and the finger food we just introduced. Oliver thought it was very fun to spit them out with a funny noise. Paul said “No!” in a loud, stern voice. Oliver didn’t know how to take it and thought it was funny. Paul gave him another bite and the same thing happened so he said “No!” again and took him out of his high chair and away from the food. Lots of tears ensued. Then they went back to the high chair and tried again. Oliver did the spitting out thing with the next bite. This time when Paul said “No!” a tute-lip came right away and he cried. The next bite went in and stayed in.

I’m glad Paul taught Oliver “No” because that evening he decided to start biting my shoulder. He always wraps his arms around me and puts his open mouth on my shoulder to snuggle in. Just this last week he started biting me when he would nuzzle. I had to say “No!” and his little lip turned under instantly. It’s like teaching a puppy not to nip.

Paul and I agree, after you see the tute-lip you want to take it back! Better now than later, I suppose.


Unknown said...

Oh, I can't wait for when you get your own version of "Two spankins, two sorries, two 'givens...I just hate discipline" or something along those lines!! Funny story!!

CityGirl said...

Cute story! There sad faces are so easy to fall for! So hard to discipline with a cute face like that!