Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Poor Ollie

We had an eventful and kind-of scary morning. Yesterday Oliver was very cranky and tired and just hard to please. Last night we saw that he had some little red spots all over his body that seemed to keep popping out. We figured he was getting the chicken pox.
This morning when he woke up, he looked really bad and we soon decided it probably wasn't chicken pox. The nurse told me it was an allergic reaction to something that I needed to get Benadryl right away, so I ran out and got some. (I literally ran - down the stairs, through the parking lot, in the store. Then I realized I didn't have my wallet so I had to go home again and back to the grocery store.) He was so uncomfortable and he looked so bad. I've never seen hives on a face before and I was totally freaking out.

The Benadryl kicked in and he started to look a _little_ better.
The good thing is that he had his 9 month visit today and so we had an appointment set. So we got in the car, brought Paul to work, and headed to the pediatrician. This is Oliver looking a little more better.

He is probably allergic to penicillin because he was taking Amoxicillin for his ear infections, and his Grandpa Fredman and Grandma Boswell have the same allergy. I'm glad we are finding this out now, but the poor little guy!! The doctor said it might take 2 weeks or more to have the hives go away. The morning totally wore me out.

3 comments: said...

Poor little boy. Oliver looks quite miserable. Isn't it a blessing to have Dr. and nurses and medications that can help?

CityGirl said...

THat is scary! Sorry to hear about that...but thankful it was taken care of! I can't take penecillin either. Made my hands tingle for a couple weeks. So thankful for Doctors, arent you! Especially for our precious little ones!

Brandon&Heather said...

Sorry to read of your scary experience...luckily Oliver is on the mend now and will be back to his normal playful self soon!